Different types of hearing tests
PURE TONE AUDIOMENTRY - 1. Pure-tone audiometry could be described as a
behavioral test used to measure hearing sensitivity. The essence of PTA is to determine the
threshold level for hearing in a patient. In addition it helps the audiologist
at #DENOC to identify the degree (mild, moderate, severe, profound) of hearing
IMPEDANCE AUDIOMETRY - Impedance audiometry is done to
determine the status of the #tympanic membrane and middle ear via tympanometry.
Auditory Brain Stem Response - The Auditory Brain Stem Response (ABR) is a
test to measure the brain wave activity in response to certain tones and is
recorded using electrodes placed on the scalp.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) - Is there
any sound in your ear or head? #Tinnitus retraining therapy will help you to go
out of from this problem.
Speech Audiometry - training to help people with #speech and #language problems to speakmore clearly.
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